Loving Kate Becket, CC Monroe Review

I couldn’t find the “official” blurb on Goodreads. This is the second book in “The Loving Series” and follows the story of Kate Beckett, best friend of Sadie McCallister. See my review of “Loving Ben Cooperhere. Also, in my defense, I think I was using Photofiltre for those teasers so just like… don’t look at them. Maybe I should remake them? Whatever. They’re awful.

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Author CC Monroe is from the hottest city in the world, Phoenix, Arizona. She spends her days working in fashion and her nights with her face in her laptop telling the stories of the voices in her mind. She left Arizona a few years back and now lives in the beautiful snow state of Utah, where she married her true love!

When she isn’t writing or working, she is making people laugh with her mad sense of humor and tip of the tongue one liners.

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Who told WordPress they could change EVERYTHING on me?? I’ve only been on hiatus for… well… nevermind. Maybe they could change things but it’s annoying. Just throwing that out there. As much fun as reading is, creating the teasers is a form of torture I TRULY enjoy, so having WordPress just mess up all my pretties is HIGHLY annoying.

In case you were wondering I am as dramatic as ever.

In my time off many things have changed. My job is stressful and I work long hours, a freaking pandemic happened (???), I got married through it, and I’m still breathing. One thing that hasn’t changed is my love for reading and writing. Unfortunately for my favorite authors, and the new ones starting out, due to my anxiety and depression it’s been a year of mostly re-reads. Rereading all of Alexa Riley, Cambria Hebert, Layla Frost, CM Steele, and a few others. They’ve gotten me through some of the toughest times in my life this year.

You know who I’m not rereading? This bish Monroe. Yeah, we’re on a last name basis now. Why don’t I reread her? Because my personal belief is that she enjoys tearing us apart, spitting us out, and then putting tape over our hearts like “TADA ALL BETTER”. I’m kidding (mostly) since I know she cries just as much as her readers do when she’s writing.

But when she messaged me saying “CHECK YA KINDLE” I ran. I think I might have stubbed a toe to get to my phone too. Cause I knew what was waiting for me… Ms. Kate Beckett. Hot damn. I have been waiting for this book for 2 years… less time than other people but still waiting anxiously. if it weren’t for the acrylics on my fingers I’d have no nails left. I loved, loved, LOVED Ben Cooper. Cried with Sadie, laughed with her, fell in love with her. And throughout Sadie’s story, you see snippets of this beautiful girl trying her damndest to fix a broken man.

I think at some point or another we have all felt our love could fix someone. Family, friends, lovers, whoever. We wanted to be the person that could change them, fix them, love them enough they would see how worthy of life and love they were. Maybe there’s someone out there reading this saying “that’s me! I was that person! I loved them and they changed!” but in my experience, that doesn’t happen. I have loved someone though they were toxic, dragging me down with them, so I was living through their hell. I had to make a choice, as does everyone when loving a manipulative, broken person. Stay or go?

For four years, Kate Beckett chose to stay. She stayed through the abuse, the cheating, the lies, the drugs. Choosing to be a martyr, would rather destroy herself then leave the man she loved. Eric charmed her, slowly revealed pieces of himself in the most sober moments, gave Kate a high to look forward to, just to rip it away with the next needle in his arm. The highs were great, but the lows, those destroyed her.

So she began dreaming of another man, began falling in love with another man, but still refused to leave. Turned her back on everyone and everything, to stay with the toxic man she’d chosen all those years ago. Why? Well… why does anyone stay?

Then there’s Nick. The man who loved her despite herself. When all he wanted to do was rip Kate out of Eric’s arms, watched her break down all of her broken pieces, watched Eric grind them into the ground, all while hoping and praying that this time would be the last. She would leave him for good, walk out the door.

I mean really… who had the addiction? Kate, Eric, or Nick?

There’s so much I could say about this book… watching Kate withdrawal from her drug of choice, watching Eric destroy and break her down, watching Nick try to bring her out of the sludge Kate had found herself in. I really felt like I was watching a movie unfold in front of my eyes. (A Lifetime movie some would say… READ THE BOOK YOU’LL GET IT). I. Felt. Everything.

And feelings are gross just throwing that out there. (Ironic coming from a cancer, hm?)

It was so different from Ben Cooper in the best of ways. Ben wasn’t so deep into his addiction he couldn’t back out. He didn’t change for Sadie, but for himself. So he could be a man worth of her and Melody. In many ways, Eric is Kate’s addiction. She knows it’s unhealthy, that she is not the best person she could be when she’s with him. And it’s not for Nick that she tries to be that person. It’s for herself. She knows she can be happier, better, without Eric. But how do you leave the last 4 years of your life? How do you get out of it? Kate Beckett is not the same girl she was when she fell into the pits of Eric.

Would life be different if only she had met Nick first?

Yes. But then the story wouldn’t have had the twists and turns it did. And trust me, if you didn’t hate Eric from the Prologue (which you absolutely should) then you will hate him towards the end of the book.

Here’s the part I curse and send CC voice messages of me screaming again. Yes, again.

Anyways. Read the book. It’s so damn good. Now, I’m going to drink another bottle of wine while I cope with the fact Nick & Kate are finally together and I have nothing left to live for.

(I did say I was dramatic didn’t I?)

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